The Brandies Project

Expanding Our Faith, For The Community

Why should Callahan First Baptist Church purchase Brandies Ace Hardware?

Callahan First Baptist Church has proposed to our church family purchasing a historic property in our community, the old Brandies Ace Hardware store and connected buildings. This decision was driven by our growth and the need for more space to serve both our members and the broader community. This new location will allow us to create more space for our children’s ministry, expand our small group gatherings, and provide a dedicated space for our church offices. More importantly, this property will serve as a hub for future community-based initiatives, creating opportunities for outreach and support programs that benefit everyone, whether you’re a church member or not. We believe this step is not just for our congregation, but for the entire community, preserving a historic space while using it to foster connection and support for all.

What’s included in the purchase?

What is our planned usage of these facilities?

Relocation of Church Offices
  • Currently, our church offices are spread between two buildings separated by Green Avenue. Bringing our offices together will foster greater unity among our staff.
  • This will create 4,300 square feet in our education building and annex for the expansion of our children’s ministry and additional adult small group classrooms.
Create New Educational Spaces

Additional classrooms for small groups and mid-week bible studies in the Ace Hardware building.

Event Space

An event space will be created with a small stage for larger group meetings in the Ace Hardware Building.

Community-Based Ministry Center

Community based ministry center in the additional buildings including:

  • Foster And Adoption Ministry
  • After-school tutoring program
  • Other community-focused ministries yet to be announced

What will happen with the current rental spaces?

We will continue renting the current apartments and to the current commercial tenants unless and until additional space is needed.

How will this benefit our community?

We will preserve the historical aspect and appearance of the buildings while providing a facelift that will enhance surrounding businesses. We will seek grants related to the preservation of historic places. The additions and renovations could positively impact the surrounding businesses by increasing visibility, foot traffic, and property values.

How long will the purchase and renovations take to complete?

We anticipate that the entire project, from purchase to full renovation, will take approximately five years. If our church family affirms the proposal, we aim to close the sale in spring of 2025. The renovation process will be carried out in phases, beginning as soon as sufficient funds are raised through the generous contributions of our congregation. This phased approach allows us to start making improvements right away, maximizing the property’s potential while ensuring financial responsibility. As each phase is completed, we will open new spaces for ministry, education, and community outreach, steadily transforming the property into a vibrant extension of our church’s mission.

Frequently Asked Questions

What about parking?

Parking for the property will include the small side lot on the corner of New Ogilvie Rd. and Brandies Ave. The old lumber yard, and the warehouse will be converted to covered parking.

Where will the additional funds come from for renovation and furniture?

The Vision Fund exists to gather the funds needed for the purchase, renovation, and furnishings. Our intent is to use funds as they become available for each Phase of the project. As an example, once we have a quote on the initial renovation needed for the relocation of the church offices we will pull the funding from the Vision Fund and begin that phase.

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